Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Healing Properties Of Vegetables - Let Them Help You With The Improvement Of Your Health (Part 3)

Our ancestors loved, evaluated and conceived the nature. Consequently, they used the experience they had gained to develop and take care of their environment. In addition, they discovered the healing qualities of the plants and vegetables, and used them to treat health problems. Fortunately, these secrets have managed to survive till nowadays. The article reveals the healing properties of various vegetables and ways you can use them when dealing with various diseases.

Rhubarb contains organic acids, vitamins and mineral salts. It can be used to facilitate digestion, improve metabolism and blood composition, and deal with constipation. An extract of rhubarb blossoms in an ethanol are used to take care of facial skin and strengthen hair. Lettuce leaves contain carotene, various vitamins, organic acids, carbohydrates, protein and mineral substances. They regulate the amount of water in your body, facilitate bowel movement and treat constipation. In addition, you can consume lettuce to strengthen your nervous system, reduce blood pressure and deal with gastritis and various ulcers. The consumption of this vegetable facilitates the excretion of cholesterol out of your organism. Onion contains phytoncides capable of destroying germs and facilitating the secretion of tears. The vegetable contains vitamins (C, B and PP), glycosides, sugars, mineral substances and other biologically active substances. Spring onions are rich in carotene and vitamin C. This vegetable is proven to be of great help when dealing with acute upper respiratory tract diseases, anemia, angina and chronic tonsillitis. In addition, it can be used to prevent grippe, cardiac diseases, atherosclerosis and essential hypertension. Onion ensures your organism with vitamins, strengthens your body and stimulates appetite. Decoction of onion rinds can be used as a mouth rinse to treat stomatitis and a gargle. It is a great remedy to take care of hair and as a compress to treat sores and wounds. Tomato contains carbohydrates, carotene, various vitamins (including vitamins C and P), organic acids and mineral substances. It can be used to purify your body. Therefore, you should use them to improve metabolism and prevent gout. Jerusalem artichoke tuber contains insulin, which can replace starch and sugar. Consequently, it should be used by diabetics. Tuber contains also protein, vitamins and a lot of mineral substances, such as, silicon, potassium, magnesium and many more. It can be used to prevent cardiovascular diseases. The vegetable is proven to be of great help when strengthening your immunity, and improving digestion and movement of organs responsible for urine secretion and excretion.


Healing Properties Of Vegetables - Let Them Help You With The Improvement Of Your Health (Part 3)



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