Thursday, September 8, 2011

Proper Care for Indoor Bamboo Plant

A bamboo plant is actually a type of grass, not a tree. It grows natively in the tropics, so they are used to warm, wet weather. They grow very well indoors, and they add beauty and simplicity to your home. This article will help to teach you how to take care of bamboo plants indoors. It is really quite easy.

How Do You Take Care Of These Things?


As mentioned above, warmth and humidity are good for bamboo plants. Keep this in mind above all else.

After you acquire a bamboo plant, you should place it in a sheltered spot, with a moderate amount of both light and shade. This will help it assimilate to the conditions of getting less sunlight than it is used to.

The nursery probably already has used fertilizer, so you should not add any at first.

The amount that you water the plant will depend on where you place it and the climate of your area. Indoors, soil dries out pretty quickly, so you should water the soil deeply to fully saturate it and keep it moist longer. You do not have to water the plant daily. If the leaves are curling, it is not getting enough water. If the leaves are drooping, it has received too much water. It will take some trial and error to find how much your specific plant should be watered.

You should mist your indoor lucky bamboo plants, and/or use a pebble tray. Misting will mimic the humidity that bamboo plants are used to by giving them moisture through the air. The pebble tray has water over the pebbles and the container with bamboo is placed above the tray, without touching the water.

To get enough light for your plant, you may have to take it outside sometimes or add lights for it indoors. It needs the sunlight, whether real or artificial, for photosynthesis. Caring for bamboo plants takes some learning, but it is very easy once you become used to it.

Proper Care for Indoor Bamboo Plant



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