Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Our Health Care System - What Went Wrong? How to Stay Out of it and Survive

The Wellness Industry, as it has been named, has been with us in some form, quite possible, from caveman times. People have throughout history been aware of the curative, and deadly, effects of plants and animals, and many stories, such as old wives tales, have advice on how to maintain, or regain your health. Children were given castor oil as it was believed they needed to be kept regular. Blood letting was used to heal. The Chinese boiled up dried plants and animal parts to cure, or to boost sexual prowess.

The Medical profession, drug therapy and trusting your doctor to make the right diagnosis have for a long time been held up as the official, safe, provider of health care. Therapies that have been considered as alternative are becoming more and more accepted to both the general public and the Medical profession. These therapies include chiropractic, homeopathic, conductive education and many others.


The Wellness Industry and the Health-Care Industry (sometimes described as the Sickness Industry) are now both trillion dollar industries. In one way they appear to be opposites, with the Wellness supporters aiming to stay healthy and the Health-Care supporters managing symptoms and disease processes as they occur. In reality it is not so clear cut. Doctors are giving green prescriptions to encourage people to exercise, stem cell therapy is being developed in an attempt to cure certain injuries and diseases, and plastic surgeons carry out surgery on people to improve their appearance when they have no underlying health issues. To some people, the Wellness Industry may appear to be simply expensive vitamins, but a number of companies are developing complex, technologically advanced products that have met needs such as drug free pain reduction and relief. More information is available to the public on health management with supplements such as omega-3 rich fish oils, and why we need it.

The Wellness and the Health-Care Industries have evolved from our desire for health and our need for management or support when our health is challenged in some way. How each of us measures wellness is very subjective, with some people being prepared to undergo tens of thousands of dollars on procedures to improve our appearance when in otherwise good health; while others rarely see a doctor and accept all aches and pains as being part of the aging process.

How each of us manages our health is also very subjective. Some of us grow our own organic vegetables, watch our diet, and take carefully chosen supplements. Others live for the moment, feasting on takeaways, have a high alcohol intake and smoke in spite of all the health warnings. Governments are challenged by the cost of health care, and it is always an important item on the election agenda. A recent report on health funding showed that USA has the second highest spending as a percentage of GDP, but the quality of that spending is very poor. Governments are struggling to provide adequate health care.

What part do we play in this problem and its solution? Responsibility for our health by avoiding smoking, high alcohol intake and drug use; and exercise and a healthy diet fall clearly on our shoulders. Simply expecting the medical profession, drug therapy and insurance companies to fix us places a massive burden on the Health-Care Industry. Chronic disease is rarely fixable, it can usually only be controlled and relieved.

Our body is designed to heal itself, and when properly fuelled and cared for it is able to do this. The Health-Care Industry plays an important role by being available to us assist when we become unwell. So what is the matter with the Health-Care Industry? The problem is both our attitude and our expectation of the Health-Care Industry. This industry is the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff and it is vital to our survival. If we damage our bodies through neglect, and abuse such as smoking and alcohol, we will end up asking for help from the Health-Care Industry. It is our responsibility to care of our bodies and the Wellness Industry can play a huge part in helping us to achieve that. It can be as simple as buying some vitamin C to get rid of a cold, to using holistic treatments under the care of a consultant to gain control over chronic health problems.

All of us, at some point in our lives will need to ask for assistance from the Health-Care Industry. At the same time, we should always be mindful of living a healthy lifestyle. It needs to become a habit, and second nature. By focusing on maintaining health, and asking for assistance from the Wellness Industry when necessary you will get the best of good health for as long as possible. Your body will thank and reward you for it..

Our Health Care System - What Went Wrong? How to Stay Out of it and Survive



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