Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Landscaping Techniques - Lawn Care

How to Make the Grass Greener on YOUR Side of the Fence

As summer draws near it is the perfect time to devise a care program that will allow your lawn to become as green and healthy as possible. The green-ness of the grass is a result of how much nutrients it receives via the soil. You too can have greener looking grass by improving your soil, maintaining adequate levels of moisture, aerating the ground and regular mowing.


Out of the many elements that can affect the color of your lawn, pay attention to the sun exposure it receives. Trees and man-made structures can cast shadows that prevent the sunlight from doing its thing, resulting in a muted shade of green. If possible consider removing the offending branches to remedy the situation.

Foot traffic can also have a devastating effect on your lawn: the soil is compacted which prevents water and oxygen from reaching the roots as they should. Aeration can usually help in this situation: the best time for this spring, and possibly in the fall as well if required. You should avoid aerating at the height of the summer as it could prove too stressful for your lawn, given the heat.

You can achieve a greener result by knowing how much you should water and when. The best time to pick is early morning as the water can reach the roots before it has a chance to evaporate. Regularity and frequency will also help by not leaving dry patches, allowing the lawn to become to dry between watering days, or too soaked. You should consider installing a watering system to help you irrigate your lawn easily and properly, to maintain the best possible shade of green.

The overall color will also be affected by rubble and thatch. You can take care of this with regular raking to ensure any dried blades over half an inch long get removed promptly. This will let water, oxygen and nutrients reach the roots more easily, helping with keeping your lawn green and in top condition.

Another factor that can have an effect on the color of your lawn is the condition of your soil: the correct pH level and texture will go a long way in keeping the grass healthy. You can help out by feeding a fertilizer: the exact type depends on the type of soil, the type of problem and time of year.

It is essential to adopt a suitable mowing routine to keep your lawn in top condition. When to mow and how much you cut have and effect: if you cut too much the lawn can become stressed, and insufficient mowing will prevent the correct amount of water and sunlight from reaching the blades.

Good aeration, soil improvement as needed and regular mowing and watering routine will help your grass become healthier and stay greener. The key to a green lawn is simple maintenance!

Landscaping Techniques - Lawn Care



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